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Dutch-German translation for: Brianchon\'s
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Dictionary Dutch German: Brianchon 's

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» Brianchon's
Partial Matches
wisk. stelling {de} van BrianchonSatz {m} von Brianchon
s'il vous plaît <s.v.p.> [alstublieft]bitte
seconde {de} <s>Sekunde {f} <s>
chem. zwavel {de} <S>Schwefel {m} <S>
biochem. serine {de} {het} <Ser, S>Serin {n} <Ser, S>
valuta Singaporese dollar {de} <SGD, S$>Singapur-Dollar {m} <SGD, S$>
psych. sadomasochisme {het} <sm, SM, S&M, S/M>Sadomasochismus {m} <SM>
's avonds {adv}abends
's dinsdags {adv}dienstags
's donderdags {adv}donnerstags
's maandags {adv}montags
's middags {adv}mittags
's ochtends {adv}morgens
's vrijdags {adv}freitags
's woensdags {adv}mittwochs
's zaterdags {adv}samstags
's zondags {adv}sonntags
recht alibi's {mv}Alibis {pl}
alinea's {mv}Absätze {pl}
auto auto's {mv}Autos {pl}
wisk. axioma's {mv}Axiome {pl}
etn. Azeri's {mv}Aserbaidschaner {pl}
baby's {mv}Babys {pl}
baby's {mv}Säuglinge {pl}
geogr. Bahama's {mv}Bahamas {pl}
etn. Bahreini's {mv}Bahrainer {pl}
muziek banjo's {mv}Banjos {pl}
camera's {mv}Kameras {pl}
spellen casino's {mv}Casinos {pl}
spellen casino's {mv}Kasinos {pl}
zoöl. T
cavia's {mv}
collega's {mv}Kollegen {pl}
directory's {mv}Verzeichnisse {pl}
duo's {mv}Duos {pl}
pol. embargo's {mv}Embargos {pl}
econ. handel exportfirma's {mv}Exportfirmen {pl}
film filmcamera's {mv}Filmkameras {pl}
econ. firma's {mv}Firmen {pl}
foto. foto's {mv}Fotos {pl}
lit. haiku's {mv}Haikus {pl}
iglo's {mv}Iglus {pl}
econ. inflatierisico's {mv}Inflationsrisiken {pl}
sport kano's {mv}Kanus {pl}
komma's {mv}Kommas {pl}
komma's {mv}Kommata {pl}
la's {mv}Schubladen {pl}
gastr. nacho's {mv}Nachos {pl}
etn. negrito's {mv}Negritos {pl}
fys. neutrino's {mv}Neutrinos {pl}
paraplu's {mv}Regenschirme {pl}
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